A Course In Miracles
“A Course In Miracles” is a book that has been around since 1976. The origins of these writings came from a couple of college professors in New York USA. I had heard about this book by various people who had investigated it. Due to a recent audible book I had been listening to suggested that I investigate A Course In Miracles as well. What I am about to share with you in this entry actually occurred and I am still rather overwhelmed to say the least.
As I began my journey in “A Course In Miracles” I was driving back from a hospice visit in Bay Town, TX. I was on interstate ten west bound. The audible book reader was discussing the ego and how our egos project our thought processes on to others. All of a sudden I passed a semi-truck pulling a trailer. Written on the trailer was a very large logo. The logo spelled the word, “EGO.” Immediately my thoughts entertained the idea that my ego had become quite large. After passing this vehicle a much smaller truck passed me in an adjacent lane. This vehicle represented a company advertising internet capabilities. Written on this smaller truck was the following, “Watch Something New.”
I couldn’t believe what I was seeing and what was being expressed in my thoughts. All of a sudden the very large EGO I had passed by and the seemingly new direction of what caught up with me to “Watch Something New” is giving rise to the possibilities awaiting me in A Course In Miracles.
What I have shared thus far took place as I was driving back to my hospice branch office. Once there, I decided to write down the experience. After writing it down, I took a chance to share the experience by reading it to one of my hospice colleagues to discover her reactions. She indicated how much she enjoyed what I shared. Another colleague arrived at the office and I asked my first colleague if she thought it would be okay for me to share my written experience with the colleague that had just arrived. She said, “yes.” So I did. Both of my hospice colleagues are interested in investigating A Course In Miracles.
The story doesn’t stop there. After leaving the hospice office I continued to ponder the two messages emphasized on the two trucks I encountered on the interstate highway. While driving toward my apartment a pickup truck traveling in my same direction passed me. It was hard to ignore because it was painted a bright yellow. However, what was being advertised on this truck related to a pest control business. In very large letters on the back of the truck was “ASAP!”
What I gathered from the other two truck messages communicated to me that letting go of my large EGO by Watching Something New was very important and I needed to do this As Soon As Possible! Hold on! It doesn’t stop there. A fourth truck figures into this scenario. As I was stopped at a traffic light while on my way to my apartment, a truck a head of me was associated with a seafood company. The seafood that it specialized in was Oysters. Beneath the word Oysters were two words. When I read these two words in context with what I had already experienced with the other three truck messages convinced me that this was not by accident or coincidence. Written beneath the word Oysters was, “Wild” and “Sustainable.”
As I pondered these four truck messages, all of a sudden the parable of “the pearl of great price” surfaced in my thoughts. After all, oysters do create pearls. Whatever it is I will be receiving from my journey with A Course In Miracles, I am convinced it will be wild and sustainable. In contemplating what I have shared in this entry, it just might bring about enough curiosity in the reader to possibly do your own investigating.
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Awesome to see you again with Andre and Mary ann
It is the greatest human privilege, to be loved and to love. Thanks for these thoughts.
Yes. Beings not Doings.
So true. The value of kindness to others is invaluable.