Apr. 1, 2018

Journey of Opposites

Recently I flew from Philadelphia to San Francisco. There is a three hour difference based upon their respective time zones. As we flew forward westerly we had to run our watches back three hours. As we flew back easterly to Philadelphia we had to run our watches forward three hours. It occurred to me of an interesting analogy of eternal opposites and how this idea seems to resonate around us, through us and within us. 

Allow me to offer an example. We enter our physical existence on earth as helpless infants. If God knew us before He formed us in our mother’s womb, (Jeremiah. 1:5) then perhaps our eternal existence was manifested before we arrived on this planet. Now this may be a stretch but it sounds like we entered this earthly realm being already known, perhaps it was necessary for our eternal internal clocks to be set backward revealing an infancy that perhaps we had never encountered before. 

As we moved forward in our growth and development from physical infancy to adulthood there seems to be a point in that development when we begin to make the trip back to our original beginning when we entered this realm. While this portion of our journey is taking place, our eternal internal clocks are being advanced to the place and time where and when we entered this realm. This may explain the sensation that time seems to be speeding up the older we become. Let me hasten to say that due to some experiences in this earthly realm no two-traveler’s experience is the same. Our travels are as unique as any vacation trip you have ever taken even though you may have traveled to the same location. Even if you never took a vacation or you only stayed on this planet a few seconds it does not disqualify your journeyed experience. 

What matters most and the difference now is that we have made the journey. For some we have logged numerous pictures, videos and experiences that give evidence to that journey. We have experienced the good the bad and the ugly. We have been given opportunities to relate to our fellow travelers. Some of those relationships have been positive and some not so much. We have perhaps noticed the selfishness of others and in so doing hopefully realized our own. We have also witnessed love. Hopefully we have decided that love is a much better choice than selfishness or hate. For those not spending very long in this realm hopefully their short time here made a tremendous impression on our decision to love.

Now it also occurs to me that Jesus said we must enter the kingdom as children. It is also recorded that he said, “Allow the little ones to come unto me and forbid them not for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” Have you ever noticed the elderly among us entering into their second childhood? Have you ever experienced a child with wide eyed excitement describe their experiences to you? I believe that will be the scene of yours and my homecoming. 

I believe there will be an eternal opportunity to share our journeyed experiences with the One who paid our way to make this trip. I personally believe that our ABBA takes extreme pleasure in experiencing this journey along with us. I can’t imagine our Source, in spite of all the difficulties we face on this journey, not providing our homecoming. Please remember that this is a reflection. I have often wondered if the experiences of Jesus being human and being God at the same time, better known as the incarnation, will explain this phenomena to his human brothers and sisters. I also wonder if Jesus’ earthly experiences opens up a Godly understanding that allows ABBA to know our earthly experience first-hand. If that is true then perhaps through that relationship we will experience what it is like on a first-hand basis to finally see what God sees. I’ve heard it said that God’s desire was to not only experience His creation with man and for man but to experience it as a man.

Latest comments

28.05 | 19:44

Awesome to see you again with Andre and Mary ann

28.05 | 12:17

It is the greatest human privilege, to be loved and to love. Thanks for these thoughts.

15.05 | 15:19

Yes. Beings not Doings.

15.05 | 15:15

So true. The value of kindness to others is invaluable.

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